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  • Kobliha
    Kobliha Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Pročnemám denní odměny, kde je problém, poraďte.

  • franzihase86
    franzihase86 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hallöchen allerseits


    Danke, das ich dabei sein darf,kann.

    Ich lebe in Deutschland, Nähe spreewald, Urlaubsgebiet . Ich spiele wirklich gern alle King-Spiele, einschließlich der Farm Heroes Saga, und mag auch den von der Community veranstalteten Wettbewerb sehr, also zögere nicht, mich zu taggen


    . bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich dem großartigen Team der Farm Heroes Saga gratulieren.

  • isalvt
    isalvt Posts: 6

    Level 1


    Moi c'est Isa, je vis dans le sud ouest de la France, j'aime beaucoup les jeux king 😊

  • quercia
    quercia Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Come posso cambiare squadra??

  • CherieA
    CherieA Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Rancid level 906, I cannot seem to clean up anything, get the flowers out the way I know but I am struggling. Anyone have any pointers that can assist me?

  • nari890
    nari890 Posts: 1

    Level 1


  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,634

    HI I am me6412 or just call me david 😁as most of my Farmer friends do🍓🥕🍄 I am the first Pro Player 🏆in the Community actually the First ever in all of King Games🏅 it's great to meet everyone especially new members if you have any questions about Farming in our game just ask I am always happy to help 🍏🌞🥚🐣🐥🐊🐃🕸🕷

    Hope you enjoy this wonderful community of people from all over the world 🌏 we all get along well together and the best part is we all talk about Farming and a little bit about ourselves time to time...... Welcome to my world of Farm Hero Saga come play with us and enjoy making the world a better place 🍁💯

  • fioralba
    fioralba Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Ciaoil mio compleanno è il 3 maggio

  • alexandra_2345
    alexandra_2345 Posts: 49

    Level 3

    Hola soy @alexandra_2345 y quisiera estar en unirme al equipo

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