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Farm Heroes Saga game looks different on Facebook? NEW HTML5 version!



  • braske
    braske Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Have an issue. On my PC the game looks like that (file attached). On my phone I'm on 2663. Please fix the problem. 

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,831
    Hi @braske, welcome to our Community :)

    This is not an issue, there just haven't been any updated on Facebook yet. At the moment, mobile features more levels than Facebook and I wish I knew when Facebook will get updated but I don't so all we have to do it wait so keep an eye on the game :) 

  • yatish355
    yatish355 Posts: 50

    Level 3

    It will be a waste to complaint about the changes in the game. If still someone like to play in earlier version of the game in the mean time, they must go to Internet Explorer 11 (still there earlier version available to play). On other browsers the game is stopped at Level 2650 but on IE 11 you can still proceed.
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    Its not that @yatish355. Some people have access to more as testing. More don't though :( 

  • My Facebook game is the new version, my husband's FBFH is still on the old game. I can ask for lives/meanz beanz =) but his requests to me don't show-up on my dashboard. Still a bit irritating not to have an accept all button, and yes, I've signed the petition  =)

    The 'new'game does have some benefits, the rewards are great.

    (Please don't ask why I appear to be quoting, I can't get rid of it! )

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    @Eggcracker mine does that to me a lot!
    Thank you for signing too. I have a theory if you are playing through Facebook that they changed it a while ago to only allow so many requests through so they can take ages to filter through if you have a lot of requests. The old way was you could click on the notification with the game open and it would refill your inbox with missed requests but then FB stopped that and started reloading. Far more requests actually got through before the change. 
    Check your FB permissions, reset if you need to and then hopefully they will appear. 
    If not through am stumped :(
  • ebee8472
    ebee8472 Posts: 72

    Level 3

    lizziecat said:
    Why are we not getting beans every day as we used to? There is no way to purchase the helpers (breaker, grower, igniter, etc.) except by using cash. Did I just answer my own question? If you think I will pay for this game after what you have done to it, you have made a mistake. I'm about to give up and you are about to lose a customer.

    I can't even play the darn game through facebook, just tested it today, error as usual.
  • Serinahimesama
    Serinahimesama Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I don't like that new version. Its graphics are so bad. I find it annoying to play because it's not smooth. I wanna back to version before. If I continue like this, I will quit playing
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    Hi @Serinahimesama and welcome to the community, thank you for joining us. 
    Ok so I understand that the new version is different to you. You cannot have seen it on the mobile versions as it is exactly the same, so I understand its a big shock. 
    The reason for the changes is simply, the old version used the Flash programme. You will have heard of Flash. It used to crash A lot. Adobe who own it are not supporting it past the end of this year meaning that any programme still using it, won't be supported and there are a lot of bad people out there who would take advantage. Viruses, data stolen. All that kind of thing. Plus if it breaks, it won't be fixed. 
    So game companies like King and ALL other websites, whether its shopping, banking, anything, have to stop using Flash. So the alternative is either use a different programme to make the game. Or close it. 
    Now I know you are probably thinking you would rather it be closed. And I understand that. But I would be very sad and a lot of other players would be too. We like the game and would rather it change than stop. We cannot change it, we cannot go back so that is not going to happen I am sorry. 
    So here is what I am asking you. Give it a chance. Not a day or two. Give it longer. And try to see the good points. It IS smoother. It might look different, but trust me, it runs faster. My computer doesn't sit here waiting 5 minutes for it to load to find, oops flash player crashed. And when I throw crops at Rancid, they speed at him. SO it really is faster. Sometimes those crops fall quicker than I can blink now. 
    The other good thing. You may have heard about how mobile players had events they could earn boosters on and we computer players didn't have that. Well the good news is, now we can! Its much easier for the studios to add the events for us too in this format. So there really is some good. Stick with us, good things will come I am sure :) 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    @Eggcracker curious to know. Are you both on html5 now? The studio have moved most players over. Are you finding it harder or easier now?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?