Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Was Very Easy ‼️ 🤪😅😂
Very easy. The rewards were a little disappointing at the end. I’d rather have multiple boosters than a lot of beans as they’re easy to get via quests and with stars in the main game. I do like the longer events but I find the rewards on them aren’t great for the time and effort involved.
@QueenMia Is there two different one of this event.
If I look on the picture that leac put in. It seems that one was on 9 levels. The one I have are on 18 levels. And mine ends in 12 days. LeaC:s seems to have been on 6 or seven days, like the picture you have in the first post.
If there are two, is it because what I wrote before that they should give the one lower down easier event and that we that are higher up can have little harder.
Hello Dear Pia 🤗
My event is set to end in 6 days with 9 levels.
And the reward will be only "6 hours" of unlimited lives!!!
Hello dear Lea 🤗 How are you doing?
Congratulations on finishing the event so quickly 😃 😄 Can you both please tell how many hours of "Unlimited Lives" did you receive?
Also @SBH Congratulations to you too 🤩 How many levels did you have? I have noticed that you have received 24 hours of Unlimited Lives! I hope they were helpful for you to finish today's new released levels 😀
I am just curious to know ,and comparing after reading what Pia @piaandersson wrote above
@PummyRaj Thanks for telling.
Then it is two different ones. I have 18 levels ends in 12 days (13 to begin whit) and will get 24 hour of unlimited life.
Hi @piaandersson , what do you mean by higher up? Do you mean levels in the main game? I’m at level 2975 and only got the 9 level version of this event.
@LeaC Yes that what I mean by higher up. In the main game. But you are higher then me. At the moment I´m little over 2900 right now.
You start getting events after level 34 and weed levels start at level 1001 so I don´t think it´s fair that they should have the same hard levels in a event that we have. And have weed when you never played one. So I suggested that they should do different ones so even the beginners have a chance to finish the events. Because the rewards that really worth something are when you have finished the event.
But as you are higher up that´s not the reason why they have made them different now. So we have to wait and see what queenmia or queenb say about it.