Hi, I don't whether this is just happening to me but when I opt to watch a video ad for extra bubbles I am often knocked completely out of the game following a Temu ad, can't take a screenshot as you don't know it's going to happen, that said I've had the same problem on another gaming platform.
Video ads for extra bubbles
Hi, can you tell me if the option to watch an ad for extra bubbles has stopped as I've not had it for five days now and would have helped in finishing levels especially the harder ones. The same question about getting boosters by the gost challenge, sorry, I'm useless with character names but it was the friendly ghost…
Why does the game disappear altogether?
Several times now when I've tried to get extra lives to win a level it opts out of the game completely back to main screen, I've tried Force Stop, I've cleared cache, running background apps but though it may fix it for one day the next day same old problem, so infuriating and makes me want to give up on the game which as…
Where have the challenges gone
Hi, just to prove I'm still around and playing I'm curious and I keep meaning to ask but get involved with playing and forget, what has happened to the extra challenges we used to get like the Tricksies challenges, Stella's lab, the ghost challenges in the library, etc.
Level 2500
Hi, I've had an email saying that I can claim a badge for reaching level 2500, how do I do this please, I've attached a screenshot which I hope you can open, when it comes to that sort of thing I'm useless and it's the first time I've tried on this tablet.
It's been a while!
Hi, I've had a break from the game and recently came back and couldn't help noticing some differences which I'm not sure I like that much and sad to see that some of the annoying things are still there but hey it's just a game, right? Well actually it is but I like to enjoy a game without have to repeat things all the time…
Problems loading
Hi, trying to access the game today as I normally would, the King logo comes up for a few seconds then defaults back to my home screen, just won't load, tried to force stop the game but made no difference, help!
Tricksies Party again!!!
What is it with Tricksies Party and things going wrong, the event has just finished but no rewards ........ again!
I didn't collect all the owls when there were no owls to collect
Why when I was playing Tricksies Party did it come up that I didn't collect all the owls when there were no owls to collect
Tricksies Garden
I was going to say it would be interesting to see if I got the rewards after playing Tricksies Garden on here, my Samsung tablet, but it seems I'm not even going to get the opportunity and yet this us the device I've played Bubble Witch the longest and to which I'm connected to Facebook.