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Congratulations! You've found the tenth clue!
This flower represents innocence and purity. This is a daisy native to Europe and parts of Western Asia, but is now seen growing throughout many parts of the world in meadows and fields and along roadways and other open areas. It is a pretty flower with white petals and a yellow center that grows from 1 to 2 feet high. This is the daisy that comes to mind when you think of the rhyme – he loves me, he loves me not.
This flower is an _________daisy.
Remember, the answer is a single word, and is included in the story What is May Day.
Post your answer to this clue below, using the spoiler feature. Keep track of your answers because you’ll use all of them at the end of the scavenger hunt to find the FINAL answer. The last post will tell you what to do with your answers and where to post your FINAL answer.
Select the paragraph symbol, then the quote, and then the Spoiler.
The eleventh clue is posted in a different game community.
Did you know? This community has a DRINK that can quench your thirst and tastes good, too? (Use the HINT and the image below to find the game community where the eleventh clue is hidden.)
If you are having trouble figuring out where the next clue is located, you can use this hyperlink to go to it.
@Elsa created a new story called "Tiffi and her friends on a scavenger hunt". If you are struggling to find the clues read what the characters have found out. It might help you!
Make sure to read the story “What is May Day?” while doing the contest because the story will help you find the one word answer for each clue to help you find the answer that we are seeking.