Welcome to the Pet Rescue Community
Do you need help with your game? Ask the Community for help.
This is one of seven games that are part of a community wide contest event. You have a chance to win 20 gold bars from each contest!
Once you have entered all seven contests, go to the Community Hub HERE and figure out the special word by using all of the seven letters that were identified in each of the contests.
Once you have entered the word, you will receive a special badge and have a chance to win 50 Gold Bars in the game of your choice.
The competition runs until 18 February 2022, 16:00 CET (Central European Time)
Terms and Conditions here
Awe these was so cute
Wonderful competition! Happy Valentine's Day to all!
Embrace 🤗
Here is my answer :
Embrace 🤗
Also tagging another active Pet Rescue Players into spoiler :
I cannot tagged multiple same players as I have tagged them on main page who have subscribed on Community Hub Tagging List. So I tag them once only as well. 😉
** If who wants to subscribe Pet Rescue Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
** And if who wants to subscribe Community Hub Tagging List, please also check and comment to subscribe here that you will receive your tag on your notifications when more interesting Hub news/exciting threads released if you agree. 😉 **
My answer;
My answer is
Here's my answer ⬇️
This is my anwer:⤵️