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🐈🐕FINISHED - Ready to make the a colorful difference for a chance at gold bars?🐈🐕

bearwithme Posts: 16,927
edited May 2022 in Contests

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Come join the fun and help make the community a more colorful place! This Contest is a little different. You need to color the picture below by

adding the numbers in each area and then use the table below that tells you which colors to use depending on what each total was.

Below is an example:

There are 5 areas –

9+9=18 so the color is black

8+2=10 so the color is brown

6+8=14 so the color is green

1+1=2 so the color is green

Use your imagination – you can substitute any four colors you want but you must color the picture using the same guide as the picture above. Once you have colored in your picture, take a screenshot and share it here in the comments below and 5 lucky players will get 20 Gold Bars in their Pet Rescue Saga Game.

The contest ends at 1600 Central European Time/1000 Eastern Standard Time on 16 March 2022

You’ll find terms and conditions here



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