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yes thanks but on computer it better as the graphics are larger , guessed it was something like this at least they tried :)
How do you know which building is what? Looking for yoga or spa
@Lynette Hi! I just got Petopia but my friend did not! Can you help her? Her user ID is 9964166930
Hi @Amethyst_Fox - I'm not sure if we're adding to those who didn't get it this time, we'll try and find out for you.
Hi @Lynette
Finally a couple of pets with a burger turned up, so I was able to deliver them to the burger bar, and yes I was rewarded!! Thanks for the tip - would never have worked it out without you
Then a pet turned up with a boat and oars - so I dropped it in the boat lake and voila - another reward
Where does the pet with glasses want to go?
Hi silvenite.to the 🍸 bar
Hi silvenite.i think to the bar 🍸.
Hi @Silvanite0625 the pet is actually thinking about two drink cartons!
They want to go to the Juice Bar
Read more about the things your Pets are thinking here: Spring Petopia, what does the Pet want?