Welcome to the Pet Rescue Community
Do you need help with your game? Ask the Community for help.
Are you a real Pet Rescue Master and a game expert?
If you are, then play the level our Superstar @kiara_wael played and try to beat her score to win Gold Bars to your game!
Post a screen shot of your score from the level here below.
Five randomly picked players that beat the score will win 15 Gold Bars each when the competition ends.
Please note that the screen shot will need to be the pop up from when completing the level and not from the game map or the level's high score list. So if you already have passed the level, then scroll back to the level and replay it and post the score here.
What level is it?
Well, let's see which level our Superstar will choose and post here below. As soon as she has posted the level and her score, you have two weeks to beat her and win the Gold Bars.
After these two weeks, @kiara_wael will play a new level so stay tuned!
Good luck!
You have until Friday 2 October 2020 09:00 CET to participate and the Terms and Conditions are right here.
Thanks @Crazy Cat Lad ❤️
Whos can beat my score level 1️⃣1️⃣3️⃣. This is my score
You can find it level 113 here 👇️
Rescuers ❤️
@Lynette , @ruiva001 , @Angel1207 , @BQN537 , @sarma_palash123 , @Peetra , @Ooma_Segran , @ZoricaPanda , @kamonrut19, @Feligirl , @mary12 , @Marry79 , @Pat_Ferraro , @lorraine5050 , @Julie_Andrews , @Marbelles , @Priscilla_Nooner , @christine88 , @CarlitaAlfonso, @sarahkupton @GTFan , @trudymitch , @lhanna , @imabearnut , @Bets. @lingho .@Snelee . @assir_elbaradei @buzzlightyear_uk @lizzy58 . @SexyCrush . @tigger123.@MountainMom .@Freddy_Falkner .@ruiva001 .@carollbiel .@tabby33 .@candyfloyd2. @sassysasha91 .@ringobatkin .@marianngerwig .@sml309, @12monty34 .@Snelee. @klaybasket. @RobinCorte @Gatica .@daisycake .@cooper123 .@Katrina47 .@DonnaB2 .@Joost_Theunis. @wykoon .@littlemissmim08 .@Pitty_Kitty .@SabrinaM. @rajdeeptb . @Trish24. @rosemariepahayo1
Thank you @Prevost19
My score.. nice level
Thanks @sarma_palash123
Thanks @09288557606
Yay! That was fun!!
Hi @ringobatkin
Please play level 113 . waiting your score 😊. thank you