Welcome to the Pet Rescue Community
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👇 This is the score you have to beat 👇
1) Only Super Hard Level scores are accepted;
2) NO Limit on the entries;
3) You are allowed to use Boosters;
3 Winners with highest scores will win 30 Gold Bars each;
This Contest will end on 29th September, 2021 at 6:00 pm CEST
Terms and conditions of the contest 👈
Tagging Pet Rescue Players into spoiler :
@S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @ndaoz @aijaziqbal @DaniTheOG @cgab20 @Geegeorge @Lyn73 @fifi321 @desertflowers04 @bergfuchs @918874145 @PiperLeonberger @jeanps @Nicole_Neubert95 @hasuna @tam52 @grandadboats @assir_elbaradei @iqsd @Piccaso @godders60 @billionaire @ruiva001 @Angel1207 @BQN537 @Jane_S @Bookster @SabrinaM @pusaaa @LoveDachs
@johamilton @siti_payung @CassD @wykoon @jujito0 @Maddie_Ivey @Peetra @Ooma_Segran @ZoricaPanda @kamonrut19 @Feligirl @mary12 @Marry79 @Pat_Ferraro @lorraine5050 @Julie_Andrews @Marbelles @Priscilla_Nooner @christine88 @CarlitaAlfonso @sarahkupton@GTFan @trudymitch @lhanna@Bets,@lingho@Snelee .@assir_elbaradei @buzzlightyear_uk @lizzy58 @tigger123 @MountainMom @carollbiel @tabby33 @candyfloyd2 @sassysasha91 @ringobatkin @marianngerwig @sml309 @12monty34 @Snelee .@klaybasket @Gatica @daisycake @cooper123 @Katrina47 @DonnaB2 @Joost_Theunis @littlemissmim08 @Pitty_Kitty @rajdeeptb .
@Kezabelle3 @tracierana @Kat-6 @Lynette .@Greymane @Keera0913 @SirThinkALot @Palash_Sarma @ChrisMiller @EOTheGr8 @rebelchild @kiara_wael @navypsyc @haus @Darla100
** If who wants to subscribe Pet Rescue Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
My 1st
The second...
Does this count? Played it a while ago. 😁
Hello Cristel @letsirc 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our Pettastic King Community!
Thank you very much for taking part in my contest.
You will have to play the level again and show the winning score that comes up at the end… where the score is visible along with the stars we achieved ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Thanks for the challenge @PummyRaj, This was a fun level to replay even if I didn't beat my original score!