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Come and share with us on your birthday day and we will award you with the Pet Rescue birthday badge!
(Don't tell us when your birthday is in advance as we won't remember lol) Come back on the actual day and share 🤗🎉🎂🥳
One rule, this badge is exclusive to Pet Rescue players only. So if you don't play the game, now is a good time to start it 😉
Did you know that the birthday thread has just celebrated its first birthday? our lovely community manager has decided that as we can only award the badge once, that we can now give you a birthday treat too! So when its your birthday, come and let us know and collect your birthday gift of 3 column blaster boosters!
@Lynette and our rescuers
(sorry it wouldn't go in a spoiler)
@aijaziqbal @ALIXKATERINE @Amethyst_Fox @Amoonmoon @Angel_Natasha @Angel1207 @ashleysneed14 @bearwithme @bekicrusher @betchiegrl29 @Boybinary @BQN537 @brandyw78 @BubbleGumSoda @candycrushinit @CarlaPouzache43 @carmenechevarria @CassD @CristianFitz @DawnieC @DGenevieve @DieOmimi @eightmilenkc @EnergizerBunny @EOTheGr8 @Federico457 @Gabrian_Diaz @Gisa77 @Glenn1972 @goofygoody @GrammaGaming @Havish @hechicerilla @helron @hermind @istuff @jeanps @Jelly_bean_hearts @johamilton @JoJo75durham @Joost_Theunis @jpellegr @Julie_Andrews @justme0252 @jutty @jbmv22 @KCullen127 @kgarnett44 @kiara_wael @Kiki_g @Kimrr @KingsDaughter14 @kraljicamajka @ksi @La Ley @LadyGaivman @lanerae22 @LeFlarcane @lelensp @Lemurtek @Lisal6715 @littlemissmim08 @LoveDachs @Lynette @maf34100 @Magic_Mixer @me6412 @melamie @MiladyR @mimibrandi @Moh1977 @MountainMom @Nat09 @ndaoz @Nenikapaki @Nico_G @NIKI5326 @Palash_Sarma @Peanut7139 @Pitty_Kitty @pratimadangol @Princess_Jessica @PummyRaj @Rache79 @Racoon7 @Randabanda78 @rascallycat @rascalsmom @rebelchild @rosemariepahayo1 @SabrinaM @Sereni @Shagunpro @Sheryl_Thompson @siti_payung @Slurpy @Stefan_B @Sukanta_Biswas @SUZANCE @tabby33 @tashanight3 @teeweiping @teresawallace44 @Terri_1 @tiff411111 @tkbm7872 @Toune_PG @tratelqalam @tsaytds @tynat03 @Warriorcatslover @wessan12 @wykoon @Xxander @zainab786