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New Design in Pet Rescue Saga



  • WeaverFairy
    WeaverFairy Posts: 102
    edited August 2024

    it does impede gameplay the blocks blur into one another. You have already been told that this is particularly bad for people with poor eyesight. In any event surely when so many people say they would rather uninstall this should mean something?

  • Delia0702
    Delia0702 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    edited August 2024

    Why change a convenient and beautiful design that everyone likes? This game is played by many adults, and the new design is aimed at children 3-5 years old. It would be better if the developers pay more attention to the technical side of the game so that there are no problems like with levels 7711, 7482, 7663, etc.

  • Delia0702
    Delia0702 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    edited August 2024

    Why change a convenient and beautiful design that everyone likes? This game is played by many adults, and the new design is aimed at children 3-5 years old. It would be better if the developers pay more attention to the technical side of the game so that there are no problems like with levels 7711, 7482, 7663, etc.

  • 27swanston
    27swanston Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited August 2024

    Completely agree about these new blocks. If you wanted to make it look like a game for 5 year old's - you succeeded. Why are you trying to fix what isn't broken? Why not focus time on energy on the actual issues of things not working?

  • hw1981
    hw1981 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    edited August 2024

    The new board design is awful. The blocks are not crisp and clear and seem to merge together. the tennis ball things are fuzzy. Not a nice game play on this board and looks like the game is now aimed at preschoolers.

  • deekayly
    deekayly Posts: 10

    Level 2

    edited August 2024

    ALL of the feedback has been about how it affects the game!!!

    So does that mean you won't be passing on the negative feedback??

  • joelle89
    joelle89 Posts: 62

    Level 3

    edited August 2024

    Bonsoir je me mets sur ma tablette et voila que je me retrouve avec ce nouveau designe ,qui est vraiment pas beau et genant pour jouer avec en plus une connection qui change sans arret , je m'explique ( connection avec le jeu du jour qui se remet toujours au depart , donc 1 , ensuite plus d'amies , je me deconnecte et recommence , , je retrouve des amies et ce coffre que je n'ai jamais eue ) enfin c'est vraiment le bazar et impossible de jouer comme ça , j'ai supprimee , remi le jeu et toujours ces problemes .

  • joelle89
    joelle89 Posts: 62

    Level 3

    edited August 2024

    Bonsoir je me mets sur ma tablette samsung et voila que je me retrouve avec ce nouveau designe ,qui est vraiment pas beau et genant pour jouer avec en plus une connection qui change sans arret , je m'explique ( connection avec le jeu du jour qui se remet toujours au depart , donc 1 , ensuite plus de d'amies , je me deconnecte et recommence , , je retrouve des amies et ce coffre que je n'ai jamais eue ) enfin c'est vraiment le bazar et impossible de jouer comme ça , j'ai supprimee , reinstaller le jeu et toujours ces problemes . je me connecte via facebook , Sur pc , je n'ai pas tous ces problemes

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,152
    edited August 2024

    Hi @joelle89 if you disconnect then nothing of your game is saved.
    You need to stay connected to play.

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,152
    edited August 2024

    I've passed everything on @deekayly They have a link to this thread to read for themselves (once they're back to work on Monday!)

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?