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Yes, that's what mine did and then it vanished
Hey @kutztown200513 are you by any chance from Kutztown pa?
Yes I am!
I was in Kutztown last month. I'm near valley forge
I have Petopia on mobile only not on my PC
It is nice to have Summer Petopia here! It would be nicer if I could make it grow. Im caught up on all the games so can’t add anything until the next update on Tuesday. Will never be able to complete the activities. I used to be able to add with Mystery Mountain but not now. It’s gone again. 😫
Yo juego a niveles aleatorios para poder subir de nivel y de paso gano estrellas.
Pero se hace muy larga Summer Petopia, ya que aun faltan 23 días y ya gané todos los premios.
Super joc
come faccio a giocare a petopia?