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Thanks for getting back on this!
The Game Team will continue investigating the issue.
(EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)
I can't play the game. Whenever I open the game I see a black screen and the game is not loaded . .
what can I do to solve it?
Hi @forlandi . Welcome to our Community
The black screen issue is being looked into, meanwhile please try another browser. It seems to happen mostly on Google Chrome only.
Please clear the cache and cookies on your browser to make sure the fix reaches your game.
Make also sure that the browser is up to date and please note that Windows 7 is no longer support by Microsoft.
You can also download the game from Microsoft Store and play via the Windows app if you have a Windows 10 PC. Download the app from here and when opening the game connect it to Facebook to sync your levels.
all you keep doing is repeating the same garbage that doesnt work,over and over and over for the last 3 weeks,maybe 4 now,been un installed,re installed,cleared Cache,,im using chrome,get better deveelopers who can keep a game running
Why cannot open Pet Rescue Saga on my PC? When I open it, there is only black screen after loading the game.. Help!!!
Hi @nada1962 . Welcome to our Community
The black screen issue is being looked into, meanwhile please try another browser. It seems to happen mostly on Google Chrome only.
Please clear the cache and cookies on your browser to make sure the fix reaches your game.
Make also sure that the browser is up to date and please note that Windows 7 is no longer support by Microsoft.
You can also download the game from Microsoft Store and play via the Windows app if you have a Windows 10 PC. Download the app from here and when opening the game connect it to Facebook to sync your levels.
WHEN ARE YOU GONNA FIX THIS BLOODY GAME<IM LOOSING MY PATIENCE,its been maybe 6 weeks now,all you keep repeating is same old garbage that does NOTHING,IF your designers or what ever you call them cany keep a simple game up and running time to get new game designers,,you are real good at making new levels going on posts im reading HOW BOUT YOU TRY resolving our complaints than making new levels first
I've given up, I really enjoyed this game and was getting far. 😥
yeah me too,was my favourite,,ive gone back to cookie jam ,i was on quite a high level myself,well not as high as some,over 1000 anyway,cant remember now exactly,,,lol,