Discussion List
How do I get mystery box with pet?
I never get option of mystery box with pet inside to raise? But my friend who just downloaded the game has already gotten 2. How is it possible and how can i get??
Pet Rescue - Join us in welcoming new languages!
We’re thrilled to announce that we’re testing a new feature in the Community, which, for now, enables players in 5 different languages to write in their mother tongue, making it easier for them to join the fun. 🌍How does it work? You’ll see a green button on the top of the page that reads “Translate”. There’s another…
Pet Rescue Saga?
Why do I lose internet connection when I play Pet Rescue Saga?
Memphis, TN
Enjoying this game
Hallo, habe mich hier mal angemeldet. Hoffe auf Infos wenn ich mal Fragen habe. Spiele PET schon viele Jahre. Was mich aktuell mal interessieren würde ist Folgendes. Seit sicher schon 4 Monaten ist der Geheimnis ergo immer die gleichen Levels und auch die Werkzeuge. Raketen u. Nur Farbeimer. Zudem habe ichs gerade wieder…
Level 7889
Bombs don't seem to be dropping on this level. Seems to have fixed the issue
Pet Saga level 6173
I, too, had the same issues as everyone was posting about this level. It is bugged as one person posted that you hit the red blocks when starting the level and the red butterflies are cleared before any dropped. However, someone else posted that clearing all the diamonds seems to help more green and blue butterflies to…
Mystery mountain
why don'don't I get my mystery mountain it been 3 weeks and still I don'don't have it
Why didn’t we have the island game at the w eekend?
could someone please help me with level 2116 they let me rescue 4-6 pets then don’t send anymore down what is that about