game "broken"
game "broken" , sais "duplicate tabs" which is not correct, as I play only on my PC. restarted all, including PC, no change. the chest of presents afer 35 stars is bursting non stop, and then stops…Please help! thanks!
No new levels this week
Hi. are we getting new levels for this week? Thanks! Lu
Critter Carnival
I think I cleared it lol. No more chests to win.
Onglets dupliqués!
Bonjour, Not only are there no new levels today, but there's also an announcement in the game that says I've duplicated the tab, which isn't true.! Help me please! Thanks
Taking their good old time getting our levels up….Quess they went to bed or something for the day. Irritated.
New levels
It's Tuesday and there aren't any new levels
3x mijn goudstaven verdwenen! Nieuw levels op dinsdag ook niet gekregen! Wat is er aan de hand?
Why is Weather Alert this week not availible for me?
I'm missing weather alert this week on both my devices Windows 11 and Android. I've already update the game
Warum komm mein Spiel nicht mehr ins Internet?
Hallo, ich komme absolut nicht mehr weiter, es kommt egal was ich mach, um Hilfe bitten eigentlich bei allem was mit Internet (Freundesliste z.b.auch) zu tun hat " ups es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten", Die Bombe mit Werbung kommt nicht mehr, Tiere und Steine kann ich nicht mehr zurück holen. Hab schon alles probiert,…
Depois que meu jogo ficou vinculado ao face deixei de ter acesso aos jogos de final de semana.
Como faço para desvincular ou voltar a ter acesso aos jogos de final de semana?