🐕️ Claim your level 3000 badge here!
Are you a true Pet Rescue master? Have you completed level 3000 already in the game? To show your petacular rescuet skills, post a screenshot of your progress where we can see that you're on level 3000 and get this exclusive Pet Rescue Level 3000 badge. Don't forget to collect all your level badges! 🔷 Level 1000 🐈️ Level…
Can I get a Milestone Badge? ❤️
Here’s proof that I’m past level 4000!!
Sorry level 8487 is completely done
Finished the latest level 8457
how do i download it free
how do i download it for free
Games lagging
Why are the levels since few weeks lagging so much? It's frustrating to play. The blocks don't go even after tapping several times 😔
Level 6162
Help…| have been stuck on this level for well over a week now and just cannot do it…any ideas fellow pet rescuers 🙏
how to I get new friends
I would like more friends, how do I do this?
level 8478
Is there something wrong with level 8478? Every time I click to play it, it doesn't take me to that level but it automatically just says level failed over and over again. By the way I'm playing on a laptop. I also tried playing that level on my phone and it automatically shuts the app down but when I try to play another…
This discussion was created from comments split from: Help Feature Update.