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heehawrules Level 3


  • Update- I just logged in again to try a round and 12 minutes later I am out of moves, out of lives, out of the few boosters I tried to use, and didn't even come close. It is a sign that I should delete again for another 6 months. I seriously suggest it to all players frustrated with the game, they are a business running a…
  • Wow! How ironic. I was so fed up from all the shenanigans from the last round of changes that I actually stopped playing for a long while about 8 months. Started playing again for little bit as I noticed the game changed back, but found the levels in the 6200 range are ridiculously hard. Even with full bot and additional…
  • I don't know if you typed in the correct level here. I just went back and played it to see, and I have 3 cherries needed and all 3 are on the board to start the game
  • Don't worry, the moderators will come on here with some lame excuse from King, "trying a new feature", "tutorial's only", blah blah blah. Facts are, you are stuck on levels you can't use your boosters on, you lose your bot even if you can't use it, and you have no boosters to help you. I am on level 4600. Everything I have…
  • The problem with this is: I have timed color bomb booster that is running down, and I can't use it. I had 4 levels of the almost impossible to get on the high levels Build-a-bot and am stuck on level 4600. I lost all my Bot's, but I couldn't use them. King is running a scam. I tried to keep playing, but you guys are…
  • You guys don't understand the business model or concept of where King/Activision is moving the game. They don't care about players that don't pay money. You will play anyway, everyday, regardless of the changes. They don't need to devote any time or thought to players like you. You are the perfect consumer. They can change…
  • Every level can be passed eventually, you just have to keep trying to get a lucky board. It gets worse when you are higher levels. There is no difference between regular, hard, and nightmare levels. They are all hard, and need multiple boosters to pass. King is evolving the game into a pay to play model, as almost all free…
  • I agree every company has to make money, and as a self employed successful business owner, I have no qualms about a company doing that. That said, as a former paying customer who has concluded that the way King is doing things is bad business, I feel it is fair that other potential customers be told the reality. And I…
  • Haha, nope. I do think that it is fair as a long time player to help people understand that the game is moving towards pay to play. It is the model of all the "free" online games, regardless of platform. The people who advance/gain strength/resources are the ones who are willing to spend money to do so. Now that King is…
  • I understand your frustrations with some of the levels being unpassable. You will have people coming on here giving you pointers. But really the game boils down to luck and boosters on most levels. They are changing the game to a pay to play model, the further you get into the game, the harder and more impassable the…
  • @Aine I would encourage you to find a new game. As I have said on other posts, long term players like us (I'm currently over 4500) are not the bread and butter for King. We have spent our money. They are trying to grow their users downloading the game and used to the idea that you have to pay something to win. Newer/casual…
  • They are not going to bring the bot back for previous levels. So stop asking. The only way it was going to be changed back was if people actually stopped playing for a while and King/Activision could feel it in their pocketbook and the decreased log ins would effect advertising dollars. But obviously, people chose to play…
  • I understand your frustrations with some of the levels being unpassable or have glitches. You will have people coming on here giving you pointers. But really the game boils down to luck and boosters on most levels They are changing the game to a pay to play model, the further you get into the game, the harder and more…
  • Ha! Aren't you the guy who comes on here and tries to convince people that the changes King makes are good or that they won't stop you from playing. How ironic that you are having problems and issues and are now having to ask questions about why. Too funny.
  • @nascarguy Start getting used to it. King is changing the game to a pay to play model and they are tweaking features to see what the "breaking point" is for players getting fed up with the specific change. If you are not at a place where you are wanting to buy bars and boosters to pass levels, I would suggest you stop now…
  • @Sammyjo I understand your frustrations with some of the levels being unpassable. You will have people coming on here giving you pointers. But really the game boils down to luck and boosters on most levels They are changing the game to a pay to play model, the further you get into the game, the harder and more impassable…
  • Well, this decision does not surprise me in the least. King has a game that is in essence free. How do you monetize a game that is free to play,? Developers/marketing/facilities, and whatnot, are not cheap. You tweak changes here and there to see what is the breaking point for people- what will cause them to stop playing,…
  • @berf You are absolutely correct. Many players in this (and other threads) frustrated and wanting a change, feeling like no one at King is listening or caring. Then you have 2 players, Crimson Dawn and Mercerik hijacking the thread about how great the change is. I wouldn't be surprised if they work for King, trying to do…
  • @Crimson_Dawn You proved my point. As long as people keep logging in and playing, combined with passing new levels, they won't make any changes. Why would they? You are proving that people are still playing and passing levels, so they can make any change they want and it won't matter. That is why the only way King will…
  • Don't hold your breath for the change. King's only concern is making money, and as long as people continue to log in, they won't change a thing. And Elsa and all the rest of the moderators are not employees of King, and therefore they can speak to them all they want, but money and logging in are what talks. As long as…

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