Shop isn't loading!
Level 4961 shop isn't loading in-game or out of game! I've restarted my phone. All other features work.
Allow for more chocolate types
I'm at 3000+ You currently have one milk chocolate ball and I remember a super ball back in 2000 levels. Have a white chocolate ball. Have a dark chocolate ball. Allow each type of chocolate to have more powers. Have a licorice ball. I'm tired of one type of ball and I'm only in the 3000s.
Lucky dip not working
Level 3843 & previous levels the dip goes to the icon and just stays there. I can't use it. Won't let me.
Level 3000+ slow
At 3577 and the drag is unreal. Cleared cash yet still intra game playing is lagg. Not internet speed I'm on fiber. When chocolate balls explode the lightening is slowww and the play is slow. What's the reason?
Where do I get level 3000 badge?
Anyone know?
Glitch in All Star Game
Glitch in game didn't allow me to continue to the next level, the screen froze only in the middle, not allowing me to continue! I took screen shots. I was able to click and receive responses back on the screen outside the middle but not allowing me to move forward. I was #1. Why did the screen glitch? I have plenty of…
Improvement on levels
Season pass needs more tiers and prizes are too low. I just won the weekly event Jonas and candy crush award was 3 horns...too low / reward not sufficient for the time I've put into the game. I won't play as much because the reward is not on par with the effort/time
Help with order targets!
Hi I've read other posts about not destroying chocolate too early but I'm at level 660 and I've fulfilled the chocolate requirement. Still getting order target failures! I don't know what I'm doing wrong-(.