yep, having the same problem
I can’t even play the event, it doesn’t give me any free minutes. I’m also getting your message. So stupid
I was buying the bars every time my piggy bank was full. I stopped last summer because I noticed that it was getting ridiculous. Nothing but a big money grab.
I finally beat that one but am now stuck at 14965 for a solid week now. The game just isn’t fun anymore
Level 14947 is impossible with 25 moves, please fix it!
I’m also at the end of my rope with this level. It’s been a solid month. I’m tired of the constant money grab. After 10 years I started playing something else. Sad end to a fun game.
Did you ever pass this level? It’s ridiculous with the amount of moves given . Level 12666
I need to quit this game for real!!
Level 12280, yet another impossible level. This game just isn’t fun anymore.
Same problem, I’ve had some great boards but just not enough moves