
Level 2


  • @simplyP Here (on PC) that doesn't work with striped candy. The double click on the color bomb was an unknown to me though. Never knew that was an option, so thanks for the tip! 😁
  • Same issue here. Only way to spread jam is when there is a fish of the same color in the field and use the chocolate ball on it. Any other way doesn't spread the jam.
    in Level 2427 Comment by vreem January 2
  • Well, seems they just don't care: over a year now and still Candy Royal is pushed down our throats :(
  • They keep on calling it a "test" but it really is NOT a test. A test is small scale, with a dedicated group of people. This what King is doing is just forcing portrait to EVERYONE. If there is any testing, it's King testing how far they can go not listening to the players. Players who made King to what they are nowadays…
  • Obviously it's of no use to complain about the portrait only mode: they keep on saying it's a "test" (which of course it is not) and all postings about it are apparently just dumped here so the normal look of the forum doesn't reflect all the complaints about it. Because of course it doesn't look good if we massively…
  • A test is something that is done with a group of testers. Most of the time volunteers who like to test software or new/different features. THAT is a test. This is no test at all since EVERYBODY is forced to portrait, even people with wide screen monitors on Windows computers. It a deliberate decision by King. Of course…
  • So this change to portrait was everywhere on purpose??? Okay, for a company that is the worst thing to do! There are SO many devices, so many screens and it's now made to portrait despite the negative feedback during testing?? Unacceptable. Goodbye King!!!!!!!!! 🤬
  • Since this is a Community forum and not sure how much "impact" it has to King itself in terms if they read it all, here the link to King Support. Just copy and paste this in your browser: I'm not allowed to post full links here since I'm not a member here long enough: soporto.king.com/contact For the platform they only…
  • Hi and thanks 😊 Indeed, in the Windows app it's also portrait. Here a screenshot of it. It's the latest version and besides the portrait mode, things are also missing (the pink part where the avatar is suppose to be for example).
  • Here on Windows 11 (through the Windows Store) it's now also in portrait ... on a monitor!? This is not playable at all. Not playing it until landscape is back or an option for landscape is added. Also: very weird that it's done without any in-game announcement. I though it was a weird bug first but had to learn here to my…

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