CC does not load
Hi everybody ! Since two or three days, CC does not load with Facebook. I tried with Mozzilla and Opera...Does'nt move from this screen : Thank you for your help !
I can't get 3 stars level 167
I have seen on others post that there was 26 moves for level 167, but I only have 21 move... this level is difficult and I can't get 3 stars, it seems impossible !
3 stars level 115
Impossible to get 3 stars in level 115 ! I only have 15 moves, I use Barney with 5 gold tiles... and I can't get 3 stars, never. I play in french, is it the reason ? Thank you for your replies !
Lost all my boosters !
When I get connected on the game, I have my right avatar and profile, but when I want to send a lkfe ar my friends,it's another of my Facebook's profile which appears... I think it's the reason why I lost all my boosters since today ? Help me, please !