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I can't get 3 stars level 167
Best Answer
hi @Wapiti
👑 level 167 ... drop 7 chunks in 21 moves 👑
you may be onto something ... I see 21 moves too
I just gave it a go without barney ... 10960 for 1 star(had 4 unused moves)
💡one approach ... give it about 100 tries and hope for a lucky board that provides gold tiles 💡
💡another approach ... wait for barney to be fully empowered(5 gold tiles are provided at the start) 💡
👑 barney is fully empowered after getting 3 stars on levels 321-365 👑
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
I will give it a few more tries to try to narrow the range for 2 & 3 stars
🍮YIKES ... this one is tough even when using barney 🍮
🍮 it may take a 6000 point word to get 3 stars 🍮
🍮 test results: it took 48 quits to get 3 stars with barney ... maybe you will have better luck 🍮
👑 approximate range(updated) ... 17677 will get 2 stars ... 18084 3 stars 👑
hi @Wapiti
👑 level 167 ... drop 7 chunks in 21 moves 👑
you may be onto something ... I see 21 moves too
I just gave it a go without barney ... 10960 for 1 star(had 4 unused moves)
💡one approach ... give it about 100 tries and hope for a lucky board that provides gold tiles 💡
💡another approach ... wait for barney to be fully empowered(5 gold tiles are provided at the start) 💡
👑 barney is fully empowered after getting 3 stars on levels 321-365 👑
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
I will give it a few more tries to try to narrow the range for 2 & 3 stars
🍮YIKES ... this one is tough even when using barney 🍮
🍮 it may take a 6000 point word to get 3 stars 🍮
🍮 test results: it took 48 quits to get 3 stars with barney ... maybe you will have better luck 🍮
👑 approximate range(updated) ... 17677 will get 2 stars ... 18084 3 stars 👑
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