Don't feed the troll: Coincidence or is it rigged?
Oh no, not another event that is completely preset as to the outcome? Can this really be a coincidence? Two games: One played episode 5451 - 5465 . The other played episode 1851 - 1865. Both had the version to collect 2000 orange candies. Both had made exactly 1864 orange candies by the end of the episode. Okay, so this…
Weekly Race- Is it fair or is it fake?
What we know for sure: The other players we compete against do not compete against us or see us in their games We have known this to be the case since our friends still featured as opposition. What I believe from evidence gathered this week ending January 26th 2025: King choose our opponents according to some algorithm, to…
The new jelly fish ARE intelligent..... and here's why I think so
Are the new jelly fish (one instead of three….) intelligent or are they dumb? Here's what I have found: They do exactly what King have told them to do. So if we are meant to fail a level they'll either remain absent or go for the "wrong" candies, if we are meant to pass the level there will be lots of them and they will go…
Level 1836 needs fixing - (Level has been fixed)!
I think this level needs to be looked at because it does not play the way that it was originally written. Chocolate was removed from this level a while ago. There used to be an algorithm that allowed the player to get the dragons to safety without them getting trapped in the corners while there was chocolate and I also did…
Fishy testing coming up for the weekend
Another test run? So I was wrong, the last leaderboard event wasn't the final test run before All Stars. Here comes another one this weekend! I do understand: The new behaviour of the fishes has opened up a great many new opportunities and at the same time closed a great many that players have relied on in the past year or…
Spearmint Snowstorm is rigged
I have spent this morning testing out one particular level of Spearmint Snowstorm after having played and taken screenshots of about a dozen of them. So far I have not come to repeats and reached the second gold chest for the event. What I know so far: Most of these levels are impossible to pass without spending gold for…
What I hate about this King Community
I am trying to avoid using words that will send my post into Nowhereland , or worse , the Off Topic forum. It worked, it's stayed in Discussions. What I hate about this community: Loss of real moderators (I do appreciate there are personal reasons for this) Moderators turned into automatons Don't see much of QueenB.…
Why are levels 800-1500 so mind numbingly boring?
Having decided to never start another test game from scratch I'm now speed-crushing it with my two latest test games. Hit level 1000 and here we go again: Boring, boring, boring. Why?
Does the Frog have a future in Candy Crush?
Are there any other fans of Samantha the Frog left in the game now? It won't surprise some of you that I'm starting this thread. I stumbled upon this thread and it inspired me to look up some of those frog levels and see how they play. It's less than a year since this great competition. I've been taking note of some levels…
Now this will be a weekend full of testing and number crunching!
What a beautiful opportunity the game has given us to find an answer to these questions: Where are players of Candy Crush from? What level ranges are players playing at? Which level ranges give the most purple candies? Are players at specific level ranges at an advantage or disadvantage? I am referring to the Valentine…