What is in the thing that says it's full but wants you to pay for it?
What is in the bank that says its full , but they want you to pay for it?
Sending lives???
Hey y'all... So, after I FINALLY got my game back after the issues of game freezing, etc.. I noticed the "Send the community lives" button doesn't appear at the start of each game anymore. Did this change or ???
My game will not advance on my computer? Facebook is the only social media I will use?
My game will not advance on my computer Facebook is my only social media I will use?
Once again I have lost all my Boosters after re installing the app due to it constantly crashing. My progress is saved and recovered after but the booster are gone! Any idea on how to recovered it please
How do you connect your game to your king.com community account?
I could swear my game was connected through my community account. My game kept freezing on me mid game right after making a gold bar and booster purchase. Customer service suggested I log out, log back in. I did... only to find I forgot my password and had to reset it. Next thing I know, My entire game is lost, my…
Hello... I was having issues with my game freezing after making purchaded. I rec'd an email from Customer Support, suggesting I log out and sign back in... I did so, but it wouldn't acknowledge my password, so I had to reset it. Now, when I log/sign in to the game, it started me back at level 1. I was at level 791. I have…
Stuck on a level
Stuck on level 1109....just ridiculous
Don’t want to lose level
I have to delete my app and reinstall because it won’t open. I did not have a profile but have created one now. I’m on approximate level 4915 and I don’t want to lose it and start over. (Did that once at 1200 because I thought it was like other apps that didn’t reset.). Can you help me?
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rule
How do I get in the leaderboard and I can’t see other people in my map
I thought I was so good at this I was so far ahead. Hahahahaha