Level 3400
Level 3400 is impossible to play out, with al the flowers, and dubble flowers, in the second part of the game, and not enough moves to play it out, in the second part in have 9 moves over, and that is not enough
Level 3304
Level 3304 is not alright, the second diamond is not falling down
Level 3254
Level 3254 is also impossible to play out,to many dubble flowers, and not enough moves
Level 3252
Level 3252 is impossible to play out,with all the bleu and gold things, and diamonds with things around them, and not enough moves.
Level 3237
Level 3237 is impossible to play out, to many flowers, and for the second field, than you have not enough moves over to play out
Level 3231
Level 3231 is also impossible to play out, not enough moves to play out
Level 3072
Level 3072 is to difficult to play out, nog enough moves, and to many bleu things and flowers, ingave 9 moves over when the bottles are comming, and thatvis not enough
Stuck on level 2917
This discussion was created from comments split from: ο»Ώπ±π How many levels are there and what's the current latest version in Diamond Diaries Saga now?.
Level 2425
Level 2425 have not enough bottels to play the game out
Level 2416
Hi lim, this level is to difficult, i cannot play the level out, with all the bleu obstacles and dubbele flowers, i have not enough moves to play IT out.