About components cheating
If the components cheating Royal Championship game and I lost because of the person cheating what do I do?
Arenas Not In Use
@Nikolaos_Prodromidis, @Lady_Sarina, In going through your Arena Tips, hints etc. Why are some Arenas not in use? I know there are some that have been replaced with a similar play, but I remember when I first started playing Royal Championship Arena 13/16 was one of the Arenas in play. That was one of my favorites. Is it…
Wondering about the algorithm 🤔🤭
Hello Fellow Royal Crushers 😃 Im wondering if any of you question the the way The Royal Championship “VS.” is set up to give you “tickets” when you’ve purchased the “infinity” ticket which I think costs 49 or 42 gold bars? Can’t remember. BUT! Why is that if we’ve purchased the unlimited play pass. Then why are the tickets…
Players Blocking When They Are Second And Have The Last Move
I understand that a player (you) blocking during the game, but when you have the last move, why are you blocking your opponent who has no moves left? I also understand how you can be so focused on your play that you sometimes don't look at your moves that you have left and how many moves your opponent have left. Today I…
Are new royal championship tracks made each week?
They seem different each week, from what I can see, are new ones made each week or are they rotating/repeating?
Double power hammers
I think everyone should disconnect when they see that someone has the striped and wrapped hammers. These people have no skill and therefore playing with them is pointless. No finesse and no graciousness.
Why is the Royal Championship arena closed?
The arena has been closed for a few days is this the same for everyone
Length of Championship
I seriously think that the length of the Royal Championships are way too long and should be shortened.....
New Graphics
Did Royal Championship upgrade it's graphics or did they just bring back prior graphics? Which ever one it is, I am loving it!
Candy Crush Saga Levels 2501 to 2600
Candy Crush Saga Level 2501 Candy Crush Saga Level 2502 Candy Crush Saga Level 2503 Candy Crush Saga Level 2504 Candy Crush Saga Level 2505 Candy Crush Saga Level 2506 Candy Crush Saga Level 2507 Candy Crush Saga Level 2508 Candy Crush Saga Level 2509 Candy Crush Saga Level 2510 Candy Crush Saga Level 2511 Candy Crush Saga…