Why is the Royal Championship arena closed?
The arena has been closed for a few days is this the same for everyone
Length of Championship
I seriously think that the length of the Royal Championships are way too long and should be shortened.....
New Graphics
Did Royal Championship upgrade it's graphics or did they just bring back prior graphics? Which ever one it is, I am loving it!
Candy Crush Saga Levels 2501 to 2600
Candy Crush Saga Level 2501 Candy Crush Saga Level 2502 Candy Crush Saga Level 2503 Candy Crush Saga Level 2504 Candy Crush Saga Level 2505 Candy Crush Saga Level 2506 Candy Crush Saga Level 2507 Candy Crush Saga Level 2508 Candy Crush Saga Level 2509 Candy Crush Saga Level 2510 Candy Crush Saga Level 2511 Candy Crush Saga…
Double Color Bombs
How many Royal Championship Players have gotten a double color bomb? I just did and I was surprised! And it looks like I could have gotten a third one! Unbelievable!
Please do something. I spent real $$
I paid for 24 hour live, as you can see from the photo, my wifi is solid. This has been a long time problem tonight, so please either refund my $$ or my coins. Thank you.
Arena closed after purchasing 24 hour unlimited play
I purchased the 24 hour unlimited play for 49 gold bars and have not been able to access the arena and the timer continues to tick away from my purchased time. How do I receive credit for my purchase?
Candy Crush Saga Levels 2401 to 2500
Candy Crush Saga Level 2401 Candy Crush Saga Level 2402 Candy Crush Saga Level 2403 Candy Crush Saga Level 2404 Candy Crush Saga Level 2405 Candy Crush Saga Level 2406 Candy Crush Saga Level 2407 Candy Crush Saga Level 2408 Candy Crush Saga Level 2409 Candy Crush Saga Level 2410 Candy Crush Saga Level 2411 Candy Crush Saga…
Happy Royal Championship!!!
I hesitated opening Candy Crush Jelly, I opened every game first because I was scared to open Jelly fearing the worst. Finally came to opening Jelly and Royal Championship was there for me!!!! 😁😁😁😁 I truly hope that ALL who want to play Royal Championship The game is there for you! Let the Royal Championship begin!! May…
How often do the arenas update? I’ve been playing this for about 6 months and they’ve been the same ones the entire time. It would be nice to have a change.