I will reach level 10K wish me luck
I was watching ads and receiving extra moves also extra boosters is that over??
Hate cheeters
Surest can't play the game properly starts every week at level 60 poor u have to cheet to play
Edited by CM: Please repost in English so everyone can understand
*Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Confirming email address and link
Hello. 😊 So I signed up to recieve some free gold bars. This "pop up" keeps multiplying the same thing, YOU NEED TO CONFIRM YOU EMAIL ADDRESS. CLICK "HERE" TO RESEND THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL. I confirmed my email quite a few times and everytime it leads me back and the "pop up" multiplies. It now at the point where I can't…
Help with getting friends back
They took all my gifts + friends!! To all my friends - Please add me back ! New friends welcome too 😃
Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand!
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!
Discussions deleted
What happened to all the posts about the tiny portrait game display on PC screens? Presumably the company didn't like all the negative comment and, rather than addressing the concerns expressed, decided it would be easier just to delete it and pretent it had never been there in the first place...
Can't retrieve my progress
I can't log into my king account They keep telling me connection error or "you're offline* I have lost all my progress, I was at level 6500 and now I'm back to level 1 I need help please😭
My game profile picture disappeared
I'm logged into Facebook still. I've tried logging in and out, as well as cleared my cashe, but I have a white stiletto, not ME... 🤔