A suggestion to store earned boosters when busy.
Gold problam
* *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand
* *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Help changing username or send a message
I am new… I know you probably didn’t notice by the rookie questions 😂😅 someone hellllppppp
Too expensive
I don’t know why this game is so expensive?? To pass a loads level it costs two bucks. No such extortions could be found in any other game. I think I should leave it.
How to get your idea for games to community?
This question was posted by @Bubble_Bath https://community.king.com/en/blog/discussion/390409/um-please-how-do-i-post-an-idea-i-got-to-the-community#latest who never received a reply because someone posted “I don’t know” Please, if you can not offer a helpful response, don’t reply to questions. That may prevent those in…
New phone, lost progress
Hi, I received a new phone but lost my progress of game. I thought I was signed into a fb account bc I was receiving extra lives from friends. Also, I tried to confirm if I hv a king account beforehand but couldn't find one. Is there still a way to find and update my progress? I was on level 5010!
How can i get all free boosters with time?
How can I get the free boosters with time?
Can’t get rewards
I redeemed my 100 points rewards and I haven’t received them it’s saying I will receive my rewards when I get internet service that I’m not connected to internet and I most certainly am connected to internet why is it doing this?
Badge of the Month- December 2022 🎄 (ENDED)
Ho ho ho fellow members! It's almost year end! Also, many of you are preparing for the upcoming festive celebration. Let us take a break and answer this simple question. If you could only keep 1 King's game in your device, which one would it be? By answering the above question, you will receive this beautiful Kimmy Winter…