Crash on the run questions
Good morning, I have some questions from the game Crash on the run. Previously our team had won in the leaderboard tournament, and we have not yet received our prize, please confirm when it will be the day they hand out the prizes, thank you.
Survival round
Good morning guys. Okay? my name is Arthur. and Brazil game ... I love to play crash. Since my childhood on ps1 I already played. It is very good to have this nostalgia ... however, I am having a problem, I am not receiving the tokens daily to participate in the survival round ... can someone tell me if this is a server…
Adoro esse jogo
Jogo desde de 2013
new player
hey there guys i am a new player
Crash bandicoot can you help me ?
My friends are all open Team and there is a place in Team but when I search in the name of Taem, he doesn't go out. “ Why this happened
Free Spots for #1 Team
Any active player is welcome to join my team!! We placed #1 last season but now we need more recruits. Search for "Lemon" if you are interested.
Now I can post
Read a great tip from one of the moderators on how to post. Took a while but now I can chat with you all. I am a retired lady living in Australia with too much time on my hands and just loving the Candy Crush Saga game. I have 3 adult children and 2 beautiful grandchildren and love spending time with them. Due to my age…
Candy Crush Saga Fan
I have only been playing Candy Crush Saga for a few months now but already am up to level 777. I have won my fair share of races and am currently sitting in 1st place in Space Race with 6010pts. Took me a while to figure out how to play the game and on some levels I didn't know what I was doing. Slowly getting it all…
Level yg lambat
Hello everyone, my name is Crash Game, I'm recruiting people to my active clan called Crash Bash Game, I want to be in the top, I play a lot, I'm waiting for all active players, everyone is good