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🎤Meet our first Featured Community Manager of the Month! 🎙



  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello @NikitaAnne again!!

    Thank you for your well wishes to all of us!!! Please visit this thread where you can say hi to other players if you haven't done so 😅😆

    Anyway, I really do hope you can share with us what you think about this first ever Q&A with one of our CMs.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717


    As a Community Hub Moderator, I have the responsibility to guide you and I hope you can share your thoughts at the relevant thread using the guide that I've shared with you earlier because each post/thread is created for players to address specific issues so that we can be on topic and everyone can enjoy the post without any distraction.

    Hope you can understand and do send me private message if you still have difficulty in navigating around!

    Thank you 😁🤗

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for enjoying our first Q&A with our lovely @LadyRaffie and I hope you all love it. Well I do and there's going to be a sequel. Are you all ready for it???!!! Stay tuned!

    Also, thank you all for your questions and we are going to announce the 3 lucky winners soon!

    Be ready....

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello there @009677369824588

    Please be informed that English is the vernacular language here.

    I hope that you've enjoyed reading our first Q&A here.

    As you are fairly new, please check out this guide to help you find your way around. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. 

    Tag one of the Game Moderators by using the @ symbol and then type out our name. You will see a box pop up so click on the correct name and your tag should now be showing up in bold or simply click on the "Quote" function right below our message box so we get your notification.

    Have fun and happy exploring!


    'ahlaan bik

    yrja aleilm 'ana allughat al'iinjliziat hi allughat aleamiat huna.

    amul 'an takun qad aistamtaeat biqara'at al'asyilat wal'ujubat al'uwlaa huna.

    nzrana li'anak jadid 'iilaa hadin ma , yrja murajaeat hdha aldalil limusaeadatik fi aleuthur ealaa tariqik. 'iidha kan ladayk 'ay 'asyilat , fala tataradad fi tarhiha.

    dae ealamat ealaa ahd mudiri alluebat biastikhdam alramz @ thuma aiktub aismana. sataraa mrbeana mnbthqana , lidha 'unqur fawq alaism alsahih wayajib 'an tazhar ealamatuk alan bikhati ghamiq 'aw bbsatt 'unqur fawq wazifa "aqtbas" 'asfal murabae alrasayil alkhasi bina mbashrtan hataa natalaqaa 'iishearik.

    astamtae waistikshaf saeid!


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,726

    Hello! @009677369824588 👋

    Please don't posting so many spam words and messages on any discussions and contests of King Community, thank you again.

    Please read the House Rules here.

  • carolljm
    carolljm Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited April 2021

    *Edited by CM: unsupported language*

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717
    edited April 2021

    Hi there @carolljm and welcome to our Community!

    I'm happy that you are excited to share your thoughts here but unfortunately, English is the vernacular language here. Thus, it would be great if you can write in English so we can understand your message and create more engagements!

    Since you make your way to this post, I hope that you've read our first Q&A here and enjoy it as much as I do! Although, the questions from the floor has been closed but there will be another Q&A with different Community Manager. So stay tune!

    Also, please check out this guide to help you find your way around. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. 

    Tag one of the Game Moderators by using the @ symbol and then type out our name. You will see a box pop up so click on the correct name and your tag should now be showing up in bold or simply click on the "Quote" function right below our message box so we get your notification.

    Have fun and happy exploring!


    Estou feliz que você esteja animado para compartilhar suas idéias aqui, mas, infelizmente, o inglês é a língua vernácula aqui. Portanto, seria ótimo se você pudesse escrever em inglês para que possamos entender sua mensagem e criar mais engajamentos!

    Já que você chegou até este post, espero que tenha lido nossa primeira sessão de perguntas e respostas aqui e tenha gostado tanto quanto eu! Embora as perguntas do plenário tenham sido encerradas, haverá outra sessão de perguntas e respostas com outro gerente de comunidade. Portanto, fique atento!

    Além disso, confira este guia para ajudá-lo a se localizar. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em perguntar.

    Identifique um dos moderadores do jogo usando o símbolo @ e digite nosso nome. Você verá uma caixa pop-up, então clique no nome correto e sua tag agora deve estar aparecendo em negrito ou simplesmente clique na função "Citar" logo abaixo de nossa caixa de mensagem para que possamos receber sua notificação.

    Divirta-se e feliz explorando!

  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124

    Hello everyone!

    Again, thank you @wykoon and @Elsa for this great opportunity!

    I have to say it was so hard for me to only chose 3 answers that I decided to answer all of them and choose randomly 3 players to receive the booster

    Here are my answers:

    • When you arrive to start your day what is the first thing you do- Can I say drink coffee? I can't function without it. 😂
    • Are the studio members approachable if you need them to fix something? There's no Yes or No answer to that. Some of the Studios are huge and it's difficult sometimes to know with who you need to talk. And others, the fix is not easy or something quick to do. But they are always available and thankful for feedback we provide and the issues/bugs that are brought from the Community
    • Who do you answer to? @PrettyBubbles do you mean who's my boss? Then the answer is @Xarly but above him, I have other bosses too 😉
    • Which has been the happiest moment/day in your life and why?? Wow.. that's a tough one! I don't think I have a single happiest moment in my life, how sad would that be? LoL. But here are a couple of them: At 19y/o I graduated from school and got my scores to enter University after taking a sabbatical year. My 19y/o started jumping all over the house screaming: " I made it!! " so you can imagine how happy I was hehe. My 33rd anniversary was in The Philippines, my first time traveling solo. My biggest fear was that I was going to be alone but instead I ended up celebrating it on a yacht, no less, with a bunch of people I met traveling and with whom I am friends still. One of my best travels and anniversaries.
    • What is it like in your everyday life outside of your job? Without Covid I would say traveling, lol. I LOVE traveling. But it's easy to find me sitting on my balcony ( or anywhere for that matters) reading a book and totally unaware of my surroundings ( I'm such a bookworm! ) On Wednesdays, I create pottery with a couple of friends of mine and I also like doing Yoga and going hiking on the weekends ☺️
    • Did you have any advantages in your life with ADHD in any way ? Not sure what do you mean by "advantages". Growing up I can tell you I hadn't. But once I understood what unique skills I got by having ADHD I made sure to put my emphasis on them: creativity, control damaged, and brainstorming are some of them
    • Where do you hail from and are you the one with the stuffed giraffe? I am from Barcelona, Spain, and yeah! The stuffed giraffe is mine 😅
    • What and where were you when this happened ( 2 terrorists attacks)? / But you survived the second terrorist attack. How did this happen? Didn't you have the opportunity to protect yourself or did you deliberately end up there for some reason? The first one was in Israel. It was around 5 years ago and during Hannukah. Some radical Muslims made a "call to the arms" and civil radicals were killing people on the streets with knives and guns. I was in Jerusalem with a friend of mine, when a girl that shouldn't be more than 15 years old came to us shouting something in the name of Allah and tried to stab us with her knife. We were lucky that she was intercepted by a policeman and a military guy. I was so shocked I didn't even move, I actually felt some kind of calm. My brain was not able to process what was happening and now I remember it like in slow motion. The second one was the attack on Barcelona. That day I was crossing Las Ramblas ( right where it happened) when I saw a white van at full speed. I remember thinking: "ogh.. these tourists don't know how to drive" 😂. I was lucky I had a friend that was living nearby so I went to her apartment for safety.
    • Of all the countries you've traveled to, which is your favorite and why? That's a tough one! Every country I have visited stole a piece of my heart. But I guess Philippines ( you don't have to guess why right? ) Laos, Lebanon, Cuba, and Ireland are on the list of my favorites.
    • How did the community name "LadyRaffie" come into being? It's based on my stuffed giraffe Raffie, hehe. That was the only animal I had back then. If I had to open a new account now I might be called LadyAntonia after my cat 🤣
    • I am just interested to know what is LadyRaffie favourite food. I guess it's Rice, in any way you cook it with anything on the side: veggies, meat, fish.. that is going to be fine by me. And seafood 🤤

    I think those are all the questions submitted.. phew! Those were quite a bunch, huh?

    Thank you all for your interest in knowing me a little bit more, it's very heartwarming ♥️

    And now the three winners!

    @Nat09 @teresawallace44 @debrichmond

    Let us know your Game Id and in which game you want the booster ( and the booster you want of course 😉 )

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,726

    Very love interviews! Thank you for your answering to them! @LadyRaffie (Yes! I love your username ever!) 😄

    Also congratulations to @Nat09 @debrichmond and @teresawallace44 - You won sweet booster in your King game's choice! 😄

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    You're most welcome @LadyRaffie and thanks for taking time to answers all the questions from the players, you're awesome! Thank you again for participating our Q&A 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🤗🤗

    Congratulations to @Nat09 @teresawallace44 @debrichmond

    Please stay tuned for our next Q&A!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?