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(FINISHED) 💍Win Gold Bars here! Beat Diamond Lim's score on Collect the Doll Level 🎎



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Hello there! @zoemay 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Which King's game have you playing? 😊

    Whilst you are here, you click on spoiler warning button here then read full definition about Guide (Help you find your way around King Community), Excel Spreadsheet (Support, Discussion, Contests, Ideas, Videos, etc.) and More Topics 👇😊

    You can check out this guide as it will help you find your way around King Community. I am so happy that you joined us here. You are going to love the contests, meeting new people who love the game as much as you do. If you have any game questions at all, I am going to add a link here that will open up as an Excel spreadsheet. On the left you will find your game and then scroll across to where you would like to go. For example, do you have a game issue question? Then click on your game Support link. Would you like to meet other game players that play the same game as you? Then click on the Discussions link. Don't forget to check out the current contests for your game for a chance to win some free gold bars for your game.

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    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    You are welcome! @godchosen ❤️😊

    Hello there! @PreshCious 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Did you have playing Diamond Diaries Saga first? 😊

    If yes, don't worry! Firstly, you can select to play any level of Collect the Doll first (Hard and Super hard levels are also allowed). Here is my example screenshot :

    Or you check this better :

    Mixed Mode, Bring the Diamonds to the Necklace and Collect the Jewel Boxes are not allowed! ❌

    Collect the Doll is allowed only! ✔️

    Then you can post a screenshot showing Lucy is collecting the doll and your score while completed. You can see that player's screenshot is allowed here who completed Collect the Doll Level and did beat my score. 😉

    You can also read all of the rules here and extra tips here on this contest!

    So I hope you can understand to read them and trying to beat my score! Good luck and have a sassy day! 🤞😊

  • emmsound
    emmsound Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Love candy crush alot just the best

  • nick74
    nick74 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Great game but i,m always stuck lol

  • Make every move count. Link big rows.

    Practice getting the diamond to the necklace first. Once you get that down you will notice how your strategy starts developing for the rest.

    You will lose alot while practicing.

    You start getting stuck alot when the game has to work harder to beat you.

    This is a good sign.

  • moo_moo_49
    moo_moo_49 Posts: 124

    how do you know if yon past her amount and received gold bars

  • MonicaTanguma
    MonicaTanguma Posts: 44
    edited July 2021

    I used her exact level. Beat the score.

    Posted in multiple boards.

    Still no gold bars.

    Game needs more opportunities to get gold bars and boosters within game. It's better than candy crush but is getting too easy. Reducing moves and making the game unwinnable to slow you down because game is not challenging enough and King cant keep up with levels is kind of disappointing.

    Like candy crush it just reduces moves and makes unwinnable...its the same game with recycled cities using same bonuses, same puzzles same boosters...same, same, same.

    In Candy crush, instead of enhancing or broadening the game to keep you interested they just slapped on a bunch of side games to keep it from getting boring. Candy crush stayed exactly the same. I got to level 2608 before giving up on it. Got too predictable and boring.

    Diamond diaries is doing the same now. Making it harder without making it more interesting or challenging. Kind of cheating the gamer. When I got to that point in candy crush I moved on. Have not played candy crush in forever. I consider it beat.

    I guess is time to move on from diamond diaries and find a game that is more brain challenging with twists, new adventures and more rewards.

    At this point in diamond diaries I'm just going thru the unchallenging motions to get to next level. I find all new levels coming out to be just recycled easy levels with less moves. Same jewelry, same boosters, same puzzles, same challenges.

    Why make gold bar purchases for the same puzzles and same challenges. I just started a new account and redid all the levels again.

    I currently have 4 different accounts all above level 2000.

    Same with candy crush.

    I keep playing out of habit but not really fun anymore.

    @Diamond Lim

  • There isn't even a diamond diaries dedicated board. No gamer stars, no fun contests for just diamond diaries.

    Makes you think diamond diaries not really important game for King.

    Love diamond diaries. It's just beat and done.

    Any suggestions on what game I should try next?

    Love the game not the fluff. Any ideas?

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