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📬 Monthly Community Newsletter: July 2021

CommunityTeam Posts: 2,028 System
edited July 2021 in Discussions

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Welcome to our Monthly Community Newsletter: July 2021 edition!

"THE place where you can find out the WHAT, the WHO, and the HOW about what's going on this month in the Community and in the games!"

📰 On the front page

Lots of new things in the Community this month of July! We've got the Badge of the Month, we've got some new titles in the different game communities (like the Crusher of the Month, the Sparkler of the Month, the Farmer of the Month or the Friend of the Month!), we've started to share King's sweetest initiatives in "From King...with love"...and we've got this brand new newsletter for all of you! 🤗 We hope you like it and it becomes a useful way to keep track of everything that's up in the Kingdom 😉

🍬🥕News from the different Kingdoms 🔮🐱

Candy Crush Saga: Walk down Mr. Toffee's memory lane with us while we await the candylicious level 10.000! Each week, a new milestone level celebrated here!

Candy Crush Soda: Check out the new legacy Season: Space Jam!

Candy Crush Friends: It's summer in the game! Give us your feedback on the Sunny Tales and the Beach Race!

Candy Crush Jelly: Q&A with our Kingster @eliodeb ! Ask him what you've always wanted to know about the Jelly game!

Farm Heroes Saga: The Farm Studio needs you help! Take this survey about blockers and let your voice be heard!

Pet Rescue Saga: Petopia is here! Learn more about this pawsome feature here!

Bubble Witch Saga 3: We're celebrating Level 4000! Get your bubblific badge!

In the spotlight this month

The Audio Lab

The amazing Audio team is in the Community now! They want to know what YOU think about the sound effects, the voices and the music in your favorite games- they're all ears!

The most insightful comments will earn a badge, so head over to the Audio Lab now!

🎬Learn more about...Cupcake Carl!

Why is Cupcake Carl so mean?

For those of you who play Candy Crush Jelly, Cupcake Carl may be that mean and grumpy character who's always collecting pufflers. But have you ever thought about the reasons for his behavior? As so often in life, there's sadness behind his anger. Poor Carl is heartbroken after 3 failed love affairs! Learn more about his story HERE!

👑 Member of the Month 👑

Our Member of the Month is @LoveDachs ! Remember to share your best wishes with her HERE!

🎖 Badge of the Month

Don't forget to collect July's Badge!



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