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Who is ready to unscramble these sentences? Win gold bars! (finished)

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
edited June 2023 in General

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Tiffi is getting into the holiday mood. She’s all dressed up and ready to start the holiday season.  She wants to create some signs to post in the community so she gets out her letters but trips over the living room table.  Up in the air went all the letters. Oh no Tiffi what have you done? 

“Everything is very scrambled,” Tiffi thinks to herself. “How am I going to get these messages done?”

Tiffi can sure use your help. Are you up for this challenge? 

“They are all holiday inspirational quotes,” Tiffi says. “If anyone can help me put them in order I’d be the happiest girl in the whole wide world!” 

🌟 How to participate? 🌟

Below are 5 very scrambled sentences. 

You have to unscramble each word for just one sentence and then put those words in the correct sentence order to reveal the inspirational quote.  

1. sieks - eEv - ot - oto - be - Cshrmsati - rvene - wonrg - on - up - carseh - teh - uoy - Mya

2. od - teer - Soem - figt - a - atnh - dna - emnsanort - aog - gteltir - engvi - heyt - a - tiem - shrsmtCai - evlo - lo,wg - eepertsrn - lot - of - lgon - a - moer

3. dlasohiy - us - teh - icgam - smeceob - teh - of - ofr - rhntbgigien - Teh - oyj - sevil - ohert - fo

4. ubt - vegi - ginvgi - onit - lvoe - tno - chum - ew - cumh - we - 'tIs - upt - owh - who

5. ruo - us - to - syaw - asosne - ot - a - rfo - si - othes - lsisbnegs - eimt - eTh - ettber - and - ohiaydl - on - aemk - arnodu - kese - lefi - eltrcfe - teprcfe 

You do not have to do all five of these. Just choose one and post your answer with the corresponding number.

Please make sure to use spoiler box.

🎁 What's the prize? 🎁

5 randomly chosen players with all the correct inspirational quotes will win 20 gold bars in the game of their choice. (Not Crash on the Run) 🌟

You have until  January 3,2022 at 06:00 EST/ 12:00 CET to participate.

Terms and Conditions here!



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