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Level 1297 should be nerfed

Level_129 Posts: 19

Level 2

edited March 2023 in Discussions

Level 1297 is just three levels away from level 1300, but it is impossible and should be nerfed to 30-40 moves, making it one of the levels with the most moves, instead of just 24 moves. I failed this level a lot & I actually filmed myself losing:

I actually lost after spening 26 gold bars & here are the hard things:

  1. Having barely any boosters.
  2. 126 jellies is a lot for just 24 moves, especially if every space has a double jelly.
  3. Licorice locks.
  4. Barely any space for special candies, especcialy combos.
  5. Frosting blocks the center of the board, making some tiles empty.
  6. Clearing ~50 jellies with 3 moves left.
  7. Having 5 colors on the board.
  8. Isolated wrapped candy spawner.
  9. No win streak

So, can you nerf this level or give me a strategy that worked for you in the comments?

EDIT: I passed this level, but it might be helphul in the future.


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,120

    Glad to see you passed this level now! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜„

    And let me tagging Candy Crush Mods : @bearwithme @kiara_wael and also Candy Crush Helper @Doondie if can help and answer this level question in the future. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    If you want to ask this game question, please ask onย Candy Crush Support Communityย (Correct Area) next time. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,943

    Hello @Level_129 - I am glad you finally cleared the level and I hope you are enjoying your time in the community.

    The level is considered a hard level. I just replayed it and had a lucky board and was able to finish it with one move left. I did start out with the three boosters you can have and was able to combine a stripe wrap in the beginning to help open up the board some.

    Also a color bomb formed on its own about halfway through the level and I was able to create a wrap next to it using a few moves.

    I think my tips would be to think strategically and in the case of getting a CB, try to combine it with a booster (even if that means waiting a few turns) to maximize its power.

    Also, if you have one, my go to booster is the UFO, it can really help open up and/or clear the board (depending when you use it). In this case I was lucky and didnโ€™t need to use any external boosters except for the beginning 3.

    I wish you a lot of luck - Iโ€™ll be honest, there are some levels out there - especially beyond level 10,000, that I found impossible to complete without using quite a few boosters.

    We do report those types of levels to the studio and quite often they will change them.

    Good luck and happy crushing!


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?