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Blocking unwanted discussions

Sweetice Posts: 2,464 Level 4
edited September 2020 in Discussions

Hello King community members and managers!!~Hope y'all are doing well and staying safe!

Today I came up with an idea which av been thinking for long and today one question made in the support area pushed me to write it as an idea and post it real~

So...It is about blocking unwanted discussions.Am sure there is no way to do it till now coz I haven't seen any.

We all have participated in lot of discussions, ideas, and questions in the community, but since av been here, I haven't seen any way to block some of the discussions we participate that we don't need them anymore. That we have maybe commented once but don't need to receive any notifications anymore.

So if any one of y;all agree, then please vote so that King community can do something:~

@Diamond Lim please do your tagging list!~

Thanks and Have fun!!~



Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?