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Art Challenge - Make a card 💟 (ENDED)



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,078
    edited May 2022

    Wow! So lovely, beautiful and amazing origami rose and card again! It's marvelous! @Amoonmoon 💕😄

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717
    edited May 2022

    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for submitting your entries. Although it is not many but I still have difficulty in choosing 5 winners cos you all have put so much efforts in it and some card had heartfelt messages 😘😍❤️🤗.

    I'll be back with the result soon!

    Thanks for your patience.

    ALIXKATERINE Posts: 317


  • gordan10
    gordan10 Posts: 10,930

    @wykoon I don't envy you. Everyone's cards are so creative and beautiful. You'll have a tough time choosing between them.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717
    edited May 2022

    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for waiting and happy mid-week!

    Since the Art Challenge is to honor the special women in our heart and the number of participants were fewer than the usual art challenges, I'm pleased to announce that we have chosen 5 winners for the 20GB each and 2 special winners for 10GB each, courtesy from our wonderful amazing super generous kind CM @Lola_Pop, who make an exception for the extra gold bars.😍😍😍

    Without further ado, the 5 winners of the 20GB each are...

    @Shagunpro @Alexandra_Tang @greddycandy @WindyDoroty and @Amoonmoon

    And the 2 special winners of 10GB each are...

    @MountainMom for her simple yet meaningful card with heartfelt messages to her beloved mom and @Racoon7 for going extra miles to create a lovely rose bouquet for her mom.

    @Shagunpro @WindyDoroty I will PM both of you to get your ID and other info.

    As for the others, please let me know the game that you want the gold bars to be added to.


  • gordan10
    gordan10 Posts: 10,930

    Congratulations to the winners, you're cards were so creative! 👏👏👏

    @Shagunpro @Alexandra_Tang 

    @greddycandy @WindyDoroty 

    @Amoonmoon @MountainMom @Racoon7


  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,460

    Congratulations to all artists and winners of gold bars:

    @Shagunpro, @Alexandra_Tang, @greddycandy, @WindyDoroty@Amoonmoon, and @Racoon7.

    Special thanks to @Lola_Pop for her generous gift of extra gold bars!

    @wykoon, I could best use the 10 gold bars in my Candy Crush Soda Saga game.

    Thanks for a great art contest!

  • @wykoon thanks so much for holding this contest 😍 I enjoyed so much in making the roses 🌹Candy crush saga, please

    to fellow winners.... @Shagunpro

    @greddycandy @WindyDoroty 

    @Amoonmoon @MountainMom @Racoon7

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,078
    edited May 2022

    🎉 Congratulations to 5 lucky winners! 🎉

    @Shagunpro @Alexandra_Tang @greddycandy @WindyDoroty and @Amoonmoon

    You won 20 gold bars to the King game of your choice on this contest! 😄

    🎉 Also congratulations to 2 special winners! 🎉

    @MountainMom and @Racoon7

    You won 10 gold bars to the King game of your choice on this contest too as it's really so lovely and amazing origami roses and card to your mom! 😄

    Enjoy your happy having sweet gold bars to the King game of your choice! 😄

    Don't be sad! Another Players! Here is another general contest for you 👇😉

    👁‍🗨 Spy with My 🔍

    Prizes : Five (5) randomly chosen players who'd submitted their correct answer will each win 20 gold bars to the King game of your choice (except Crash On the Run).

    Ended : Tuesday, 31st May 2022, 09:00 CET

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    Good luck and Have a nice day! 🤞😊

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