⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
I understand! So all the preferences are checked but you're not receiving any emails...since yesterday, or was it happening before we launched the new version?
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I’m on iPad and can’t scroll up or down in the (way to big) icons
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Thanks for getting in touch 😀
To confirm, are you unable to scroll up and down the page, or just that area you have highlighted?
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Your question only proves you're not reading feedback. 🤨
As for email notifications - I'm not getting them either because site admins have disabled them. There's no option to activate email alerts under Notification settings at present.
I've already provided a workaround, Buddy_G.
Just edit the URL to end with "/p1" or any other page number you like. 😉
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Just in the biga** icons area 😁
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Lovely, thanks for confirming 😃
Yes, this part does not scroll unless you have a smaller device where all 4 icons do not fit, then you get the option to swipe to see all icons.
In your case, this feature is not needed 😊
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It's been one of those days 😅 appreciate the patience 😁
So you do not have this option:
Would it be possible to share a screenshot so we can look?
Thank you 🤗
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I know you were and I appreciate that. Today has just been so frustrating. As we say: why fix something when it's not broken? I've made little progress on anything and having to go back to check for notifications makes me want to give up!