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⭐️ The Community has a brand new look



  • Hi everyone, just wanted to go ahead and let you know that we've now increased the text size of the community. Let us know what you think. Too big, too small still?

    As for the email notifications, we're still looking into it. Thank you for being so patient while we're hard at work ironing out some of the kinks in this new layout.

  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,278

    In the last 40 years I have been involved in a number of EDP introductions and conversions. Why didn't you test the new system on a simulation? Don't you have any more employees who know their way around the community? Mistakes always happen, but so many! But what's the point, it's your community. In my company, some could have looked for a new job.

  • @Werner_Cichy Thanks for your input. As you know, testing something and having it live aren't the same. There will always be some changes and features that need to adjust. Not to mention the variety of devices the systems will also impact when it goes live.

    As I've mentioned in this thread, it was needed to go entirely live. Not everything is in our hands, so some things might take longer to correct. This decision is the best for OUR community. This community is not just ours but yours. Every single player is a part of the community. And that's precisely why this is the best decision because every single player can be a part of the change—working all together to increase the player experience. This is pure teamwork, and as you know, it takes time to adjust. But together everything will go smoothly and quickly.

    So please, I ask for your understanding and patience. And continue to report to us.

    Thank you 😊

  • Hi all, happy to share email notifications should now be working again. Let us know if you still run into problems enabling them.

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255

    Hi back,

    I can confirm you've finally re-enabled those for regular users. Hoping for less spam this time around. Tagging list needs to be restricted only to a specific game, not the whole platform.

    Just to clarify, there was no need for me to re-adjust my choices.

    As for font size, it appears rather too big on mobile. How about making it possible for us to increase/decrease it on our own?

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,387

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    What's problem are you asking for? 🤔

    Find most common issues and FAQ:s in Support Area here and in Help Center here!

    And please select your game area here then click on Support Area and finally you ask a question about game then waiting for their answer and help you faster and better. 😉

    You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇

    Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    I just set my email General Notification 😀 🤞

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,387

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Opps! This website (King Community) has only Supports, Discussions, Contests and others. 

    If you want to play any King's Game (Games) on any devices : 

    Type of phone's Version (such as Android, iOS/iPhone/iPad and Amazon) : You can search 'King' then you click on any King's Game (Games) to show 'Saga' by King then you download it/them on Google Play Store (Android) / App Store (iOS/iPhone/iPad) / Amazon. 

    Computer Version (such as Facebook and Windows 10) : You can't download then search and play Candy Crush Games, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue and Blossom Blast Saga only on Facebook.

    You can also download Candy Crush Games, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue, Bubble Witch 3 and Blossom Blast Saga only on Microsoft Store (Windows 10).

    You can also check to select what's King Game will you like playing here? 😉

    So can you got to play it/them? I hope you can play it/them! Enjoy your happy playing! 😊

    You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇

    Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?