Low Vision Support

King community,
Are you a player with low vision? Do you find yourself struggling with seeing available moves, or seeing all of the features of the game board? Please share your thoughts and feelings and what type of assistive technology you use below.
As I live with legal blindness, I have a hard time seeing available moves , reading print, and seeing red candies on jelly squares. I play CCFS on my phone with my CCTV and I play CC on my PC with a floating magnifier both are super helpful!
CC on with floating magnifier
What struggles do you have and how do you combat them?
Have a great day and stay safe, everyone!! 💗🍭
please Vote for adding a "Help for Low-Vision Players Section," here:
Also please vote for help with color blindness here :
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Hi @ShannaSkywolf, I am totally without vision in my right eye but my left eye seems to compensate. I use reading glasses and usually play on my desktop or my iPads which are better to see.
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I play on iphone. Small screen but comfortable for me...
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This is very helpful @ShannaSkywolf!
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Thank you@debrichmond ! 💗
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@stan1981 , I hear you about the small screen on the iphone. I use a note 8 phone and i still have hard time seeing things.
If you ever struggle to see, here is a less expensive option to the CCTV .. a standing page magnifier. 😎
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Hi @ShannaSkywolf , is CCTV closed-circuit television?
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@Elsa I agree that desktops and tablets are the best for playing these games as they do allow one to see more than a phone would. I was surfing around a low vision store and found a foldable stand magnifier that might prove useful for reading print.
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Hey @Glenn1972 , that is very good question. Yes, the device i use is known as a CCTV magnifier. Technology is awesome and the CCTV magnifiers have gotten better over time!
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@ShannaSkywolf shanna I don't have vision problems but I know someone who does I think it's awesome u put these options out there. I will surely let her know about these options u posted would help her a great deal I'm sure just for reading her kindle 👍❤