April Showers Bring May Flowers That Hide Secrets That Many Desire (finished)
Hello @Sadie1318 and @Casuj
Welcome to the contest. If you are having trouble getting started, send me a message by clicking on my avatar or name and you'll be in my profile. You can send a message from there. I'll be happy to help you and anyone else with the contest.
Hi @Community_Team & @Elsa & @debrichmond,
You say:
"A word to the wise, keep your answers to yourselves. DO NOT POST THEM HERE or anywhere. The fun of this is finding the answers to the clues and then figuring out the final answer from the information given in the twelfth post."
So where do I post the answer?
I am assuming it is at:
They all meet up to work on the answer
But not sure on this?
Can you clarify?
Thx Origins7 Dale,
Hello @Origins7_Dale
As @Elsa wrote above, you'll post your final answer at the link she provided, but you have eleven clues to collect from 11 different posts. The answers to those clues are what you'll use to figure out the final answer. If you follow the hint for the first clue, then you'll find it in the Candy Crush Friends game community here, after looking down through the thread for it. Does that make sense? From there you'll follow the hint to the next game community for the second clue.
Good luck!