Level 2
My game keeps crashing ALL THE TIME: it is very frustrating! What is going on? Please help! There are no new updates available for the game. thanks!
What has happened to the weekly games of Stella's Lab, Trixie's Party etc? They were taken away more than a month ago and never returned.... Any idea?
I have played Leo's Cup and finished many games. Each time the score should have been multiplied by 4 - instead it is multiplied by 3. I feel a bit cheated. Does anyone else experience this?
Can someone please explain how Astral Challenge in Bubble witch 3 works: ie what do you need to do to qualify for points etc?
I keep getting 24 hours of lives daily but then it is taken away immediately. This is the second day running that it has happened. My husband gets it and it stays for him. What is going on ?
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