Level 79
Level 79 won't open. I click on it and all I get is a label with my name on it which is not clickable. All prior level have been met.
The levels on my iphone and ipad are not the same as the level to get tips.
The levels on my iphone and ipad were different so I updated both of them and now they are the same. The problem is they do not match level 268 on the internet where you can get tips. My phone was the same until I updated Blossom Blast Saga on my iphone.
I replaced my Android device with a new one yesterday and now I've lost my history. I have to start
I have to start over at level one when I was at level 116. Is there any way to have that restored on my new device?
Pick flower levels does not show progress/freezes counter
The flower counter at the top always stops reducing but allows level to clear even though not at zero https://youtu.be/1oWZyeNSSQ8 have completed several times but flower count always freezes
On Blossom Blast level 268 is different on Iphone and Ipad. Why is this?
on iphone level 268 is different than on ipad one my phone it does one thing and on the ipad it does another. I can not continue very well with them being different
niveau 281 bloqué
J'ai atteint le niveau 281 hier et celui ci ne veut pas se lancer. Mise a jour faite hier en pensant que cela resoudraiece bug mais rien de mieux. Pouvez vous me dire comment faire pour continuer cette superbe aventure
Level 311 blossom blast
The blooms only count down sometimes after a big exploding bloom they don't count down any more. Would b nice if u guys got some of these issues straightened out thanks
Blossom Blast tech issue
Since latest upgrade if I'm online blossom blast won't let me in the game at all and if I'm offline I can go in and click play but it will stay in a white screen, I use an iPad and the software is update. Please help.
Blossom blast lvl 244
How do you pass this freaking level????? I am ready to quit this game, no matter what I do I cannot pass level 244, and I'm sick of playing the same level over and over again!!!
Level 305 in blossom blast
How come when the game starts it tells me I need 16500 points to move on but when I play it shows I have to get 33000?