Blossom Blast Saga level 310
I was playing level 310 for about a day and the next time I played it, it's like it opened a different level. The first couple of times it was a "clearing the weeds" level. Now it's a hard "get 19000 points" level again. I spent gold to get past that hard level. Now I'm stuck on it again.
Le niveau ne s'ouvre pas!
J'ai réussi le niveau 280. Mais lorsque je veux ouvrir le suivant n°281 rien ne se passe il ne s'ouvre pas. Tandis que si je retourne sur le précédant il s'ouvre sans problème ! Merci de réparer.
Blossom blast leve 311
i have been trying to get past level 311 for about a week and today it has thrown me back to 310 to pass again which i have already done. Also when you click on level 310 it says score 19000 when you open it it says score 29000 when i passed this level last week i had to score 23000 i dont want to do this level again when…
im playing blossom blast and it wont let me advance to the next level. and i past the previous level
wont let me advance to the next level ive also uninstalled it and I reset everything what can I do to fix this tech issue. the company wont message me back and I feel very upset by this ordeal.
Lg G2 still cant open please its drive me crazy
Its been like 2 months i love this game please fix this. Its just black screen and nothing happens back to home screen and its just me some lg users have same issue. And i always look if new update came or not . Still can play...
any hints on level 260 blossom blast??
I am on level 260 in blossom blast saga and do not have a clue on how to beat it...any help would be appreciated
How do you pass level 243 of blossom blast
I am on level 243 and have been for over a week and a half, this level is impossible to pass!! It's very frustrating, any tips?
How do you change the difficulty setting ?
Moms game setting has changed. It's now showing "hard" as the difficulty. How or where do I change that back to normal?
Blossom blast won't open since update
since latest upgrade blossom blast won't let me in the game at all, when I click on icon it just says waiting. If I go to App Store and hit open it does nothing. Very frustrating
Trouble adding someone from Facebook to give me a life?
when I try to add someone from Facebook to give me a life it keeps going to Facebook and back so what can I do ?