When will Blossom Blast be fixed?
Game was fine until today 01/25/2016, now every time you try to play it fails to load, says out of moves, uses up all of your lives and boosters are also gone.
Blossom immediately says try again and I lose a life
Right after I hit play, the game and saying that I have run out of moves and to try again. I tried playing other levels, removing it from running in the background, deleting and reinstalling the game entirely- to no avail. Is this a bug? I have not seen where there has been a recent update in the game… Will we be getting…
Game not working
When I try to play level 163, it starts to load then says I have run out of moves and to retry. Tried other levels and the same thing happens. I lose a life every time this happens.
Lagging blossom blast
HI, I have a problem with Blossom Blast game. For the previous few months it was OK, but now it's lagging and after picking level I want to play there is big white screen and I can't do anything. Sometimes the whole game doesn't want to load and I've got first orange screen with KING name, that's it. And it can load for…
Does anyone from King monitor this forum?
It would be nice to know that there was some way to get actual feedback to the programmers at King. Blossom Blast Saga in particular is turning out to be very buggy.
Blossom blast lvl 175
As soon as the game loads level ends and I'm loosing life :( any ideas what to do?
It would be nice if the developers of King games would pay attention to the people who are playing!
I attempted to play blossom blast this morning, but when selecting the level it would open up and immediately tell me to try again and take a life. I went through all five lives trying to play. I closed it out several times and went back in, chose different levels to see if they worked; nope, nothing. All lives gone. I…
Blossom Blast Level 192
I am starting a new thread because nothing has been resolved on this topic in previous threads. I have made it this far in the game without spending money. I keep waiting, thinking that King will update this ridiculous level. The game isn't fun anymore. I want to uninstall it until this level is updated. When will King pay…
Level 130 blossom blast saga
My blossom blast saga level 130 has three 60 sets, which cannot be beaten after the update the level didn't change to three sets of 30 as other players, I don't know what to do
I can not play in blossom blast saga on facebook .. someone can tell me how can I do? Thank you
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