Not receiving confirmation email
I’ve resent the confirmation email several times but it’s not showing up in my inbox or my junk folder. I’ve verified my address was typed correctly. How can I confirm my email?
facebook account disabled.
hi there. All this time I logged in using a Facebook account, but now my Facebook account is disabled because it was hacked. is there any chance to migrate my level to new account/profile? I still can play the game now, I'm on 1466 level, I wonder if I just logout the profile, i can't login/ reconnected again and my…
Why dont I get the Daily boosters on facebook but i do on my android phone
Why dont I get the Daily boosters on facebook but i do on my android phone
Daily Boosts
For the past several weeks, I am not get my daily boost on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays and only Wednesday thru Saturday am I getting them. Why? My fan ID is: 13613636564
Events in Blossom Blast
Hello, can I ask you please, when will begin some first events in Blossom Blast? There is an events section but there are any events yet, os that because the events will became here soon?
Lost daily boosters for Blossom! Thistles invaded our garden calendar?
For the last five days the reward for logging in and thereby receiving the daily booster has disappeared??? Last Sunday I hit Day 7 and instead of re-starting at Day 1, it POOF… disappeared altogether? I recall it being named the Honey Calendar and details could be found in the "Events" section but now the only item under…
level 93
what the heck? level 93
🍯 The honeyed calendar is back as of today 🍯
Yeh, there's good news. The honeyed calendar is back as of today. He starts again on Day 1, but we have him back and can enjoy the game again. (Spoiler)
Are there Daily Rewards for the Blossom Blast Saga Game?? If So Why arent I getting them????
I'm on Level 119 and have only received 3 boosters and 9 bars. All I am trying to find out is should there be daily rewards?? If so how do I get them. This is my 3rd place to try to get an answer. Is this a pay game to get more?? Please Help.
Daily Bonus gone
What's happened to the daily bonus? It's disappeared. ☹️