Why am I not earning boosts as I continue in the game?
I have the few I was given at the beginning of the game but have never received anymore. These boosts would greatly improve the game.
logging out of Facebbook while plating blossom blast
Prior to logging out of Facebook my game progress was saved, I had 77 messages with lives. When I logged back into Facebook my progress was saved but all 77 messages were gone. How can I find those 77 message?
Getting rid of bees
Ok on blossom blast saga I'm in the 500s and I've noticed that my bee's disappear while playing. Not complaining at all I just wanted to know what is causing them to disappear
Lost Progress
I got a new iPhone and when I re-downloaded the app it started back at one. I was almost to 400, but not exactly sure where I left off. I really do not want to start over again.
what my game back
I played blossom blast saga this morning now I am getting a report my broswer has a problem whats the deal with that
Blossom Blast Level 699
Can someone please tell me how to get flowers into the middle section when there are no matches on the bottom section? They are too far away to Blast them and I have had to just quit the level numerous times.
Blosdom Blast Saga first roadblock.
I reached the first roadblock and asked for help. 2 people answered, and then the first person helped again, now my game is bugging. The music is obviously lagging, very jerky, and I can't close the roadblock screen. Do I need to uninstall and reload?
Blossom Blast lost progress
I lost all progress. I was not logging in with Facebook. I may have accidentally hit the Facebook button
Updated Android phone and now Blossom Blast will not load
Updated Android phone (Samsung Galaxy 7) and now Blossom Blast app will not load - it just has a black screen when I try to open the app. Then I can't back out of the black screen - I have to completely shut the app down to get away from it. I've tried updating my browser, uninstalling and reinstalling, and restarting my…
I have completed level 168 twice, but I keep getting put back to that level again.
I have completed level 168 twice, but I keep getting put back to that level again and not being allowed to progress onto level 169. In addition I have lost home and the gold I've earned. Can someone please help me to continue, or shou;d I give up?