Sorry I think I didn't explain it properly! Right now the future of the maps is uncertain unfortunately. We're working on developing new features that will improve how the maps worked, but it doesn't mean they will be back in the same way you've seen them. I'm sure we'll implement new features that will be even better than having the maps.
I know is hard, but all I can say is... try to be patient!
I don’t like the honey. I don’t like the screen that replaced the map. I don’t like sending an email, and getting a taped reply to join this discussion for more information, and then getting the same taped reply to my second email telling you the problem has been ongoing since December, and has not been fixed. I deleted BlossomBlastSaga and will not be back.
Forget about the mobile app. I went back to playing on my laptop. At least they haven't "improved" that platform in a while. I can still see the beautiful map and get to levels. Hopefully they don't mess it up too. I don't think the development team is getting the message. They should roll back the last update and warn players when they are going to radically change something. I realize that in-house beta testing and focus groups cost money, but it seems you are treating your player community as disposable.
I also miss those beautiful maps. This new backround is vague and gives nothing to enjoy. Maps were one reason why I have been playing this play. Think about taking this app away from my phone and leaving hole play.
wish mine would go away as well , has destroyed the game . I’m stuck with it , and the response from here is next to nothing , might as well bash my head off the wall