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Is anyone else having trouble with the game loading? Mine will only load to 93%



  • law2020
    law2020 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Yes, have tried all the steps, will work for a day or two, but then stuck again, this is getting old. Please fix this!! We shouldn't have to reset everything or try the step again every couple of days. Just make it work on all platforms!

  • patriciapitts
    patriciapitts Posts: 6

    Level 2

    works on phone but not computer

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,053

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Please comment your problem and Game ID to Community Team on that thread that they can check to fix your problem, thanks! 👇😊

    But you can continue playing levels with mobile device as well. I have playing Diamond Diaries Saga has nothing major issues like Crashing, Level Bugs and another issues with mobile device but give up to play with PC too. 😉

    You can also participate and answer here (⭐️ Pyramid Math Problem ⭐️ Win Gold Bars ⭐️) that you can chance to win gold bars on this game! 😉

    Also check here :

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    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • SQuinn122
    SQuinn122 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    If i can play on Facebook, I can't play through Chrome/Edge etc. The next day it is the opposite. I too have done everything suggested & now can't play anything on the browser. It just sits at the King start up. Instead of repeatedly telling people to post in this thread, maybe either fix it or pack it in

  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3

    I emailed 2 support techs yesterday that I have communicated with lately about the problem w/BBS. I told them to review the COMMUNITY BLOG to see the numerous complaints, and all the different players, all using different browser, and, platforms, and they will see the problem is not isolated to an individual computer or browser or IPAD or IPHONE, etc. , it has to be a game problem, not ALL of us!!! I hope for the best, but expect little from their IT dept. Sadly I agree, it is time to get rid of the game if it won't work!!!

  • law2020
    law2020 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Seems you really don't care. This has got to be the most annoying thing to try to play a game for a little R&R after a long day, and nothing. You have other games that work fine. Why can't this be resolved!! I really believe that this issue, comment is falling on deaf ears/eyes.. it works one day, then poof.. gone again. I am so tired of this.

  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3


  • Sherry_Chapman
    Sherry_Chapman Posts: 49

    Level 3

    I just received an email from support saying the problem was fixed!! HA HA HA!! I promptly replied that it IS NOT fixed!!! I have tried several times today,,,,cleared the cache about 20 times..and still wouldn't work. I just tried again and no go!!! I advised they investigate again to see that it is NOT working......we will see........I asked them to update me asap. I will update message when I hear from support again. 😊

  • Kiwidot
    Kiwidot Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi Sherry _Chapma, Kiwidot here thanks for the update, just tried mine still sitting on 93%. I look forward to your next update.

  • julietaLUNA
    julietaLUNA Posts: 0



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